NOMINAL PRESSURE : In various form in 20 °C is assigned as referance and given as the maximum pressure applicable in normal working conditions. The allowed working pressure decreases as the temperature increases. The decrement can be calculated by an (AP) factor provied in the table. Other loads should be considered while determinig the maximum working pressure.
PN=Nominal Pressure
PW=Maximum Working Pressure
AP=Temperature Factor (Table)
PIPE EXPANSION : The most important characteristic of an expansion joint is the required expansion amount. The system is divided into various expansion sections as the piping system is designed. The thermal expansion must be determined acc. to length of the said sections and the material used for the pipe. The most important point is the system’s minimum temperature, maximum temperature, reference temperature and mounting temperature considering the environmental facts. Thermal expansion table in the table section indicates the thermal expansion amount depending on the pipe material. Expansion amount of expansion joints are standardized as 1000 cycles life time in full stroke with a reference of 20 °C A_f temperature factor should be considered over 20 °C. (Table)
ΔK= Δb / Af
ΔK=Expansion Joint Expansion Amount
Δb=Pipe Expansion Amount
Af=Temperature Factor